In the article Nuevos medicamentos para combatir la enfermedad de Chagas (New drugs to fight Chagas disease) published in the review Nuestra Ciencia* N. 22 of October 2020, the authors present the treatments currently used to treat Chagas disease and, in particular, discuss current research on drugs to fight this disease.
One of the authors of this article is Andrea Vela, doctoral student of the ParaFrap PhD South programme under the supervision of Dr Frédérique Brennière (IRD UMR Intertryp / ParaFrap). Her thesis project, funded by ParaFrap, aims to evaluate the action of molecules developed in the chemistry department at the University of Strasbourg (France), on genetic variants of Trypanosoma cruzi found in Ecuador.
Find this article (in Spanish) pages 3-6 of the review.
*Nuestra Ciencia is an annual review proposed by the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador).