
French Alliance for Parasitology and Health Care

The EMBO Workshop "Host-parasite relationship: from mechanisms to control strategies", supported by ParaFrap, will take place from 5–8 October 2025 on Île des Embiez, a French island in the Mediterranean Sea (

Parasitic infections remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The vast majority of parasitic infections in humans and domestic animals can be attributed to protozoan pathogens, including those causing malaria, African sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis, or toxoplasmosis. Parasitism is found throughout the tree of life and parasitic organisms have become model systems for the study of biochemistry and molecular biology. They also represent valuable systems for integrated analyses of host-pathogen interplay.


This workshop will showcase the latest breakthroughs in host-parasite interactions, host manipulation and immune evasion, pathogenesis, parasite cell biology, parasite molecular biology and signaling, vaccination and control strategies. The conference will cover multiple parasites (Plasmodium, Babesia, Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidium, Trichomonas, Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Shistosoma) and provide an outstanding opportunity to share cutting-edge science. We will establish a 'Young Investigators in Parasitology' breakout session to promote interactions and discussions between with junior scientists. The meeting will include poster sessions and turbo talks, providing younger researchers the opportunity to present their work. This meeting will represent a stimulating environment to exchange ideas and envisage novel approaches to control pathogenic parasites.

The registration website is not yet open, but you can enter your email address here to be notified when it launches (expected March/April 2025). 

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event and hearing about your latest research!

Lucy GLOVER and Benoit GAMAIN
Scientific organizers

ParaFrap manager

Artur SCHERF,  Dominique SOLDATI-FAVRE, and Friedrich FRISCHKNECHT



Bernabeu Maria, EMBL Barcelona, ES
Cohuet Anna, IRD Montpellier, FR
Collins James, UT Southwestern Medical Center, US
De Miguel Natalia, INTECH, AR
De Ryker Manu, University of Dundee, UK
Deitsch Kirk, Cornell University, US
Djimde Abdoulaye, Malaria Research and Training Centre, ML
Draper Simon, University of Oxford, UK
Duraisingh Manoj, Harvard University, US
Fraisse Laurent, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), CH
Francia Maria, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, UY
Ho Chi-Min, Columbia University, US
Horn David, University of Dundee, UK
Kamhawi Shaden, NIH, US
Koshy Anita, University of Arizona, US
Mancio Silva Liliana, Institut Pasteur, FR
Mugnier Monica, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, US
Paredez Alexander, University of Washington, US
Sateriale Adam, Crick Institut, UK
Sheiner Lilach, Glasgow Biomedical Research Centre, UK
Solano Philippe, IRD Montpellier, FR
Yamamoto Masahiro, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, JP
Zikova Alena, Institute of Parasitology, CZ



ParaFrap Webinar

Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 15:00 (CET)


Team Biology Of Host-Parasite Interactions (Artur Scherf)

Institut Pasteur - Paris, France

"Metabolomics Identifies a Natural Host Cytoadhesion Inhibitor in Asymptomatic Malaria Cases"

Chairperson : Antoine Claessens

ParaFrap Webinar


For all students: following the webinar, you will have the opportunity to join in a discussion with the speaker.

Save the dates of upcoming ParaFrap webinars:

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Yoann Millerioux

Project Manager


About the workshop

ParaFrap is organizing the ParaFrap Next Generation in Parasitology Workshop for the first time in 2024. It aims to support the new generation of European parasitologists in developing their collaboration networks and raising awareness about funding opportunities.

This inaugural edition, scheduled to take place from September 30th to October 3rd, 2024 in the Grenoble region, is being organized by two young researchers from the ParaFrap network: Christopher Swale (IAB, Grenoble) and Jessica Bryant (Institut Pasteur, Paris), with assistance from Mohamed-Ali Hakimi and Artur Sherf.

The workshop will include a scientific session open to all attendees, where 12 junior PIs (10 selected by the organizing committee and 2 by the organizers) will present their research. Following this, the 12 young scientists will take part in a retreat focused on new technologies.

Registration for the scientific session is free but mandatory, and includes participation in the scientific presentations, lunch on Monday, and coffee breaks.

Registration deadline: September 4th, 2024.

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Nicolas Brancucci

Swiss Tropical Institute


Jessica Bryant

Institut Pasteur


Amandine Guérin

University of Geneva


Clare Harding

University of Glasgow, UK


Franziska Hentzschel

Heidelberg University, DE


Elena Jiménez-Ruiz

Munich Vetenary University, DE


Isabelle Louradour

Institut Pasteur, FR


Sara Silva Pereira

Catholic University of Portugal, PT


Juan Quintana

University of Manchester, UK


Adam Satariale

Crick Institute, UK


Christopher Swale

Inserm, FR


Arthur Talman



Programme of the scientific session

Day 1 : Monday 30 September 
 09:00-09:15  Opening remarks 
 09:15-10:00  Dissecting the function(s) of an unconventional Arp2/3 complex in Plasmodium mosquito stage development
 Franziska Hentzschel
 10:00-10:35   Unwinding the MORC mechanisms of repression in Apicomplexa: From the chromosomal to the atomic scale
 Christopher Swale
 10:35-11:05   Coffee Break 
 11:05-11:50  Mechanisms of Leishmania sexual reproduction: lessons from experimental hybridization
 Isabelle Louradour
 11:50-12:35  Cryptosporidium: a growing (microvilli) problem
 Adam Satariale
 12:35-14:00  Lunch
 14:00-14:35   New Frontiers in Plasmodium Genome Organization
 Jessica Bryant
 14:35-15:20  Neuroimmunological basis of sleeping sickness - A tale of two B cells
 Juan Quintana
 15:20-15:50  Coffee Break
 15:50-16:35  Conoid Methylation: A Key Player in Motility Initiation in Toxoplasma gondii.
 Elena Jiménez-Ruiz
 16:35-17:20  Sex determination in malaria parasites
 Arthur Talman 
 17:20-18:20  Title TBA
 Keynote by Artur Scherf
Day 2 : Tuesday 1 October 
 09:00-09:15  Opening remarks
 09:15-10:00  Heavy Metal Parasite: How Toxoplasma acquires and detoxifies essential metals
 Clare Harding
 10:00-10:45   From Plasmodium gametocytes to DNA replication and back
 Nicolas Brancucci
 10:35-11:15   Coffee Break
 11:15-12:00  Characterization of secreted effectors and host modifications induced by the parasite Cryptosporidium
 Amandine Guérin
 12:00-12:45  Multidisciplinary approaches to understand Trypanosoma interactions with the mammalian host
 Sara Silva Pereira
 12:45-13:00     Closing remarks


To attend the scientific day, please fill in the form below. Registration is free but compulsory, and includes your participation in the scientific presentations, lunch on Monday and coffee breaks. Deadline for registration: 4 September 2024 at 17:00. Please note: as the number of places is limited, registrations will be closed before this date if the maximum number is reached.

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 icon location  

IAB (Institut pour l'Avancée des Biosciences)

Site Santé, Allée des Alpes, 38700 La Tronche - FRANCE 





As part of the actions of the Health Innovation Plan 2030, the health component of the France 2030 plan, Mohamed-Ali Hakimi is one of the 22 laureates of an Excellence Chair in Biology/Health, supported to conduct high-level research projects in France.

ERC logo

The ToxoNeoSex project, "Epigenetically Reprogrammed Sexual Stages: An Animal-Free Model to Study Zoonotic Transmission of Endemic Parasites and their Species Barrier," aims at a comprehensive understanding of toxoplasmosis using in vitro cultures.

The Excellence Chair in Biology/Health program aims to support the work of highly talented researchers in France. Endowed with funding ranging from 2 to 3 million euros each, these chairs will enable the conduct of new large-scale projects in our territory, over a duration of 5 years.

More details on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and in the press kit.


Congratulations to Arthur Talman, IRD Research Leader in the MIVEGEC laboratory (Montpellier), who has been awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for the project "TROJAN - Molecular mimicry and immune evasion in malaria parasites ".

ERC logo

For this project, the team will be looking for a parasitologist, an immunologist and a computational biologist.

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Project Manager: Yoann MILLERIOUX

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