
French Alliance for Parasitology and Health Care

EMBO Workshop Host Parasite 2025

The EMBO Workshop "Host-parasite relationship: from mechanisms to control strategies", supported by ParaFrap, will take place from 5–8 October 2025 on Île des Embiez, a French island in the Mediterranean Sea (

Parasitic infections remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The vast majority of parasitic infections in humans and domestic animals can be attributed to protozoan pathogens, including those causing malaria, African sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis, or toxoplasmosis. Parasitism is found throughout the tree of life and parasitic organisms have become model systems for the study of biochemistry and molecular biology. They also represent valuable systems for integrated analyses of host-pathogen interplay.


This workshop will showcase the latest breakthroughs in host-parasite interactions, host manipulation and immune evasion, pathogenesis, parasite cell biology, parasite molecular biology and signaling, vaccination and control strategies. The conference will cover multiple parasites (Plasmodium, Babesia, Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidium, Trichomonas, Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Shistosoma) and provide an outstanding opportunity to share cutting-edge science. We will establish a 'Young Investigators in Parasitology' breakout session to promote interactions and discussions between with junior scientists. The meeting will include poster sessions and turbo talks, providing younger researchers the opportunity to present their work. This meeting will represent a stimulating environment to exchange ideas and envisage novel approaches to control pathogenic parasites.

The registration website is not yet open, but you can enter your email address here to be notified when it launches (expected March/April 2025). 

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event and hearing about your latest research!

Lucy GLOVER and Benoit GAMAIN
Scientific organizers

ParaFrap manager

Artur SCHERF,  Dominique SOLDATI-FAVRE, and Friedrich FRISCHKNECHT



Bernabeu Maria, EMBL Barcelona, ES
Cohuet Anna, IRD Montpellier, FR
Collins James, UT Southwestern Medical Center, US
De Miguel Natalia, INTECH, AR
De Ryker Manu, University of Dundee, UK
Deitsch Kirk, Cornell University, US
Djimde Abdoulaye, Malaria Research and Training Centre, ML
Draper Simon, University of Oxford, UK
Duraisingh Manoj, Harvard University, US
Fraisse Laurent, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), CH
Francia Maria, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, UY
Ho Chi-Min, Columbia University, US
Horn David, University of Dundee, UK
Kamhawi Shaden, NIH, US
Koshy Anita, University of Arizona, US
Mancio Silva Liliana, Institut Pasteur, FR
Mugnier Monica, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, US
Paredez Alexander, University of Washington, US
Sateriale Adam, Crick Institut, UK
Sheiner Lilach, Glasgow Biomedical Research Centre, UK
Solano Philippe, IRD Montpellier, FR
Yamamoto Masahiro, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, JP
Zikova Alena, Institute of Parasitology, CZ


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Project Manager: Yoann MILLERIOUX

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