Proteomics (Lille)
One of the main objective of ParaFrap was to get mass spectrometers and to train PhD students and postdocs with proteomic workshops specificaly adapted to molecular parasitology. The P3M platform (Plateforme de Protéomique et Peptides Modifiés) was created with funding of the LabEx ParaFrap and additional financial supports from the FEDER-Region Nord Pas de Calais, Lille Métropole Urban Community and Pasteur Institute of Lille, which provides lab spaces. The platform provides new expert skills and services open to academic and industrial research in:
P3M allows the development of a key technology for researchers, for technology transfer / dissemination of knowledge and for valorization of discoveries by industrial partners.
Metabolic (Bordeaux)
The recent development of new NMR methods for measurements, as well as new methods for the analysis and interpretation of complex data sets generated by NMR spectrometry, means that NMR spectrometry approaches are attractive alternatives to MS or that they can be used in combination with MS approaches.
The group of Bordeaux led by Frédéric Bringaud is in close connection to an NMR platform with a long-standing expertise on NMR spectrometry to study end-products excreted from carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism in parasites. The platform acquired a new NMR spectrometer (Bruker Avance III 500 HD) with funding from ParaFrap and the Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine, in order to extend its expertise towards quantitative analyses of intracellular metabolites of unicellular parasites. This equipment is operational since July 2015 with an engineer dedicated to its use and maintenance. Half of the use time of this equipment is reserved to the ParaFrap community at preferential cost.
Sequencing (Université Aix-Marseille)
The INSERM UMR 906 Unit has received from the Labex Parafrap a participation to the cost of DNA sequencing equipments. These machines will be made available to Parafrap members for their own projects.
The activities of the platform are the followings:
The available equipments are as follows:
Associate Professor : Animal Biology and Parasitology – Host-Pathogen Interactions, Bordeaux, France Teaching Profile The candidate will teach in animal biology, especially in metazoan diversity, phylogeny,...
The EMBO Workshop "Host-parasite relationship: from mechanisms to control strategies", supported by ParaFrap, will take place from...
ParaFrap Webinar Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 15:00 (CET) Gretchen...
Two PostDoc positions on Trypanosoma brucei and its interactions with blood vessels, Lisbon, Portugal A collaborative project in the Lisbon area, Portugal, to explore groundbreaking interactions between...
Postdoctoral position, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France A 24-month post-doctoral position starting on March 1st 2025 and funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) is available in the Trypanosome...
Postdoctoral positions, LPHI Lab, Montpellier, France Two ERC-funded (JANUS 2024-2029) postdoc positions are open in the lab to study cell cycle regulation in malaria...
Postdoctoral position, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France A postdoc position is available at the Institut Pasteur Paris, in the signalling and host-parasite interactions research group, headed by Dr Najma Rachidi...
ABOUT SPEAKERS PROGRAMME REGISTRATION CONTACT LOCATION About the workshop ParaFrap is organizing the ParaFrap Next Generation in Parasitology...
[Communiqué] As part of the actions of the Health Innovation Plan 2030, the health component of the France 2030 plan, Mohamed-Ali Hakimi is one of the 22 laureates of an Excellence Chair in Biology/Health, supported to conduct high-level research...
The York Biomedical Research Institute (YBRI) are hosting an online live seminar on Friday 24th May 1-2pm BST as part of their biomedical science seminar series. You are all welcome to attend - registration is required via the...
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