
French Alliance for Parasitology and Health Care


Project Title : "Identification and characterization of new components involved in invasion of Apicomplexa parasites"

Project PI : Maryse Lebrun  Co-PI : Olivier Silvie

Thesis defense : 30/06/2017 thesesfr

Lab : Biogenèse membranaire et interactions avec la cellule hôte chez Plasmodium et Toxoplasma, UMR5235, Montpellier

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  • Master in Microbiology and Immunology, University of Bordeaux, France (2011-2013)
  • Bachelor in Cellular Biology, University of Bordeaux, France (2008-2011)


Postdoctoral researcher in Boris Striepen Lab - Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, USA 


Berry, L., C. T. Chen, M. E. Francia, A. Guerin, A. Graindorge, J. M. Saliou, M. Grandmougin, S. Wein, C. Bechara, J. Morlon-Guyot, Y. Bordat, M. J. Gubbels, M. Lebrun, J. F. Dubremetz and W. Daher (2018). "Toxoplasma gondii chromosomal passenger complex is essential for the organization of a functional mitotic spindle: a prerequisite for productive endodyogeny." Cell Mol Life Sci [5.8]. [Pubmed]

Thonnus, M., A. Guerin and L. Riviere (2017). "A multigene family encoding surface glycoproteins in Trypanosoma congolense." Microb Cell [no IF] 4(3): 90-97. [Pubmed]

Guerin, A., H. El Hajj, D. Penarete-Vargas, S. Besteiro and M. Lebrun (2017). "RON4L1 is a new member of the moving junction complex in Toxoplasma gondii." Sci Rep [4.3] 7(1): 17907. [Pubmed]

Guerin, A., R. M. Corrales, M. L. Parker, M. H. Lamarque, D. Jacot, H. El Hajj, D. Soldati-Favre, M. J. Boulanger and M. Lebrun (2017). "Efficient invasion by Toxoplasma depends on the subversion of host protein networks." Nat Microbiol [no IF] 2(10): 1358-1366. [Pubmed]

Parker, M. L., D. M. Penarete-Vargas, P. T. Hamilton, A. Guerin, J. P. Dubey, S. J. Perlman, F. Spano, M. Lebrun and M. J. Boulanger (2016). "Dissecting the interface between apicomplexan parasite and host cell: Insights from a divergent AMA-RON2 pair." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A [9.4] 113(2): 398-403. [Pubmed]

Rugarabamu, G., J. B. Marq, A. Guerin, M. Lebrun and D. Soldati-Favre (2015). "Distinct contribution of Toxoplasma gondii rhomboid proteases 4 and 5 to micronemal protein protease 1 activity during invasion." Mol Microbiol [4.4] 97(2): 244-262. [Pubmed]

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Project Manager: Yoann MILLERIOUX

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