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Project : "Identification of key enzymes of acetyl-CoA metabolism targetable for inhibitor development against Trypanosoma brucei." Project PI : Frédéric Bringaud Co-PI : Ovidiu Radulesco Lab : Microbiologie Fondamentale et Pathogénicité, UMR 5234, CNRS - University of Bordeaux |
PUBLICATIONS Villafraz, O., Biran, M., Pineda, E., Plazolles, N., Cahoreau, E., Souza, R.O.O., Thonnus, M., Allmann, S., Tetaud, E., Rivière, L., Silber, A.M., Barrett, M.P., Zíková, A., Boshart, M., Portais, J.-C., Bringaud, F., (2021). Procyclic trypanosomes recycle glucose catabolites and TCA cycle intermediates to stimulate growth in the presence of physiological amounts of proline. PLoS Pathog [6.2] 17, e1009204. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009204 Allmann, S., Wargnies, M., Cahoreau, E., Biran, M., Plazolles, N., Morand, P., Pineda, E., Kulyk, H., Asencio, C., Villafraz, O., Rivière, L., Tétaud, E., Rotureau, B., Mourier, A., Portais, J.-C., Bringaud, F., (2019). “Metabolic contest”, a new way to control carbon source preference. bioRxiv [preprint] 800839. doi: 10.1101/800839 Wargnies, M., Bertiaux, E., Cahoreau, E., Ziebart, N., Crouzols, A., Morand, P., Biran, M., Allmann, S., Hubert, J., Villafraz, O., Millerioux, Y., Plazolles, N., Asencio, C., Rivière, L., Rotureau, B., Boshart, M., Portais, J.-C., Bringaud, F., (2018). Gluconeogenesis is essential for trypanosome development in the tsetse fly vector. PLoS Pathog [6.6] 14, e1007502. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007502 Pineda, E., M. Thonnus, M. Mazet, A. Mourier, E. Cahoreau, H. Kulyk, J. W. Dupuy, M. Biran, C. Masante, S. Allmann, L. Riviere, B. Rotureau, J. C. Portais and F. Bringaud (2018). "Glycerol supports growth of the Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms in the absence of glucose: Analysis of metabolic adaptations on glycerol-rich conditions." PLoS Pathog [6.6] 14(11): e1007412. [Link] Millerioux, Y., M. Mazet, G. Bouyssou, S. Allmann, T. R. Kiema, E. Bertiaux, L. Fouillen, C. Thapa, M. Biran, N. Plazolles, F. Dittrich-Domergue, A. Crouzols, R. K. Wierenga, B. Rotureau, P. Moreau and F. Bringaud (2018). "De novo biosynthesis of sterols and fatty acids in the Trypanosoma brucei procyclic form: Carbon source preferences and metabolic flux redistributions." PLoS Pathog [6.6] 14(5): e1007116. [Link] Allmann, S. and F. Bringaud (2017). "Glycosomes: a comprehensive view on the metabolic role in T. brucei." Int J Biochem Cell Biol [3.9] 85: 85-90. [Link] Bringaud, F., M. Biran, Y. Millerioux, M. Wargnies, S. Allmann and M. Mazet (2015). "Combining reverse genetics and nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics unravels trypanosome-specific metabolic pathways." Mol Microbiol [4.4] 96(5): 917-926. [Link] Allmann, S., M. Mazet, N. Ziebart, G. Bouyssou, L. Fouillen, J. W. Dupuy, M. Bonneu, P. Moreau, F. Bringaud and M. Boshart (2014). "Triacylglycerol Storage in Lipid Droplets in Procyclic Trypanosoma brucei." PLoS One [3.5] 9(12): e114628. [Link] Allmann, S., P. Morand, C. Ebikeme, L. Gales, M. Biran, J. Hubert, A. Brennand, M. Mazet, J. M. Franconi, P. A. Michels, J. C. Portais, M. Boshart and F. Bringaud (2013). "Cytosolic NADPH homeostasis in glucose-starved procyclic Trypanosoma brucei relies on malic enzyme and the pentose phosphate pathway fed by gluconeogenic flux." J Biol Chem [4.6] 288(25): 18494-18505. [Link] |
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Project Manager: Yoann MILLERIOUX
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@parafrap.bsky.social |
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