
Alliance Française contre les Maladies Parasitaires

PostDoc x2 l Trypanosoma l Lisbon, PT


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Two PostDoc positions on Trypanosoma brucei and its interactions with blood vessels, Lisbon, Portugal 

A collaborative project in the Lisbon area, Portugal, to explore groundbreaking interactions between Trypanosoma brucei and blood vessels. This parasite, notorious for causing devastating diseases in Africa, crosses blood vessels to invade critical organs like adipose tissue and the brain, complicating treatment and exacerbating disease outcomes. Our project, a collaborative endeavor between the Luisa Figueiredo Lab (Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine - GIMM, Lisbon) and the Claudio Franco Lab (Catolica Biomedical Research - CBR, Oeiras), seeks to unravel the molecular and cellular interactions between T. brucei and endothelial cells during parasite crossing. Insights from this research could pave the way for novel treatment strategies not only for trypanosomiasis but also for related inflammatory and oncological conditions.


Position 1 – L. FIGUEIREDO Lab (GIMM, Lisbon) Focus: Characterizing parasite features essential for the crossing of blood vessels. Techniques: The successful candidate will employ a suite of cutting-edge tools, including parasite genetics, in vitro crossing assays, genomic analysis, bioinformatics, cell sorting, advanced microscopy, and mouse infection models.

Position 2 – C. FRANCO Lab (CBR, Oeiras) Focus: Investigating endothelial cell phenotypes during parasite crossing at the single-cell level. Techniques: This role will utilize single-cell RNAseq, super-resolution and live imaging microscopy, mouse genetic manipulation, and in vitro assays to provide insights into vascular dynamics during infection.


Two independent yet collaborative thinkers with a passion for solving complex biological puzzles. Candidates should possess a doctoral degree in life sciences and have a strong background in molecular biology, cell culture, bioinformatics, or imaging techniques.


Submit a CV, a statement of research interests, and two reference contacts to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser., indicating the reference CrossTryp. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until positions are filled.


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Project Manager: Yoann MILLERIOUX

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