Derrick ROBINSON |
Information |
Laboratoire de Microbiologie Fondamentale et Pathogénicité CNRS UMR-5234 | ||
Trypanosome and Toxoplasma cytoskeleton biogenesis | ||
Bordeaux | ||
0000-0001-5572-4127 | ||
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Scientific interests and projects |
Introduction: Scientific interests: Scientific activity within ParaFrap: |
Top 5 publications of last 5 years |
1. Positional Dynamics and Glycosomal Recruitment of Developmental Regulators during Trypanosome Differentiation. Szöőr B, Simon DV, Rojas F, Young J, Robinson DR, Krüger T, Engstler M, Matthews KR. MBio. 2019 Jul 9;10(4). pii: e00875-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00875-19. 2. Mutations in CFAP43 and CFAP44 cause male infertility and flagellum defects in Trypanosoma and human. Charles Coutton, Alexandra Vargas, Amir Amiri-Yekta, Zine-Eddine Kherraf, Selima Fourati Ben Mustapha, Pauline Le Tanno, Clémentine Wambergue- Legrand Thomas Karaouzène, Guillaume Martinez, Serge Crouzy, Abbas Daneshipour, Seyedeh Hanieh Hosseini, Valérie Mitchell, Lazhar Halouani, Ouafi Marrakchi, Mounir Makni, Habib Latrous, Mahmoud Kharouf, Jean-François Deleuze, Anne Boland, Sylviane Hennebicq, Véronique Satre, Pierre-Simon Jouk, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg, Beatrice Conne, Nicolas Landrein, Denis Dacheux-Deschamps, Alain Schmitt, Laurence Stouvenel, Patrick Lorès, Elma El Khouri, Serge P. Bottari, Julien Fauré, Jean-Philippe Wolf, Karin, Jessica Escoffier, Hamid Gourabi, Derrick. R. Robinson, Serge Nef, Emmanuel Dulioust, Raoudha Zouari, Mélanie Bonhivers*, Aminata Touré*, Christophe Arnoult*, and Pierre F. Ray. (*Shared leadership). Nat Commun. 2018 Feb 15;9(1):686. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017- 02792-7. 3. Interaction between the Flagellar Pocket Collar and the Hook complex via a novel microtubule-binding protein in Trypanosoma brucei. Anna Albisetti, Célia Florimond, Nicolas Landrein Keni Vidilaseris, Marie Eggenspieler, Johannes Lesigang, Gang Dong, Derrick Roy Robinson, Mélanie Bonhivers, PLoS Pathog. 1;13(11):e1006710. eCollection 2017 Nov. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006710. 4. BILBO1 is a scaffold protein of the flagellar pocket collar in the pathogen Trypanosoma brucei. Célia Florimond, Annelise Sahin, Keni Vidilaseris, Gang Dong, Nicolas Landrein, Denis Dacheux, Anna Albisetti, Edward. H. Byard, Mélanie Bonhivers and Derrick R. Robinson. PLoS Pathog. 2015 Mar 30;11(3):e1004654. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004654 5. Human FAM154A (SAXO1) is a microtubule-stabilizing protein specific to cilia and related structures. Denis Dacheux, Benoit Roger, Christophe Bosc, Nicolas Landrein, Emmanuel Roche, Lucie Chansel, Thomas Trian, Annie Andrieux, Aline Papaxanthos-Roche, Roger Marthan, Derrick. R. Robinson, Mélanie Bonhivers. J Cell Sci. 2015 Apr 1;128(7):1294-307. Epub 2015 Feb 11. doi: 10.1242/jcs.155143. |
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Postdoctoral position, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France A 24-month post-doctoral position starting on March 1st 2025 and funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) is available in the Trypanosome...
Postdoctoral positions, LPHI Lab, Montpellier, France Two ERC-funded (JANUS 2024-2029) postdoc positions are open in the lab to study cell cycle regulation in malaria...
Postdoctoral position, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France A postdoc position is available at the Institut Pasteur Paris, in the signalling and host-parasite interactions research group, headed by Dr Najma Rachidi...
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