
Alliance Française contre les Maladies Parasitaires


Project Title : "Contribution of the dense granule proteins to the formation of brain cysts and to the establishment of latent infection"

Project PI : Mercier Corinne (MF. Delauw's group) Co-PI : Nicolas Blanchard

Thesis defense : 13/04/2017 thesesfr

Lab : TIMC-IMAG Lab, BNI Team (Natural Barrier and Infectivity), CNRS/Université Grenoble-Alpes

In 2C 128px R RG square green


  • Master's Degree, Sanitary Biology, University of Siena - Italy (2009 - 2011)
  • First Level Degree, Biology General, University of Siena - Italy (2006 - 2009)


Postdoctoral reasearcher in Mohammed-Ali Hakimi Lab, Institute for Advanced Bioscience, IAB, France


Swale, Christopher, Valeria Bellini, Matthew W. Bowler, Flore Nardella, Marie-Pierre Brenier-Pinchart, Dominique Cannella, Lucid Belmudes, et al. (2021) A drug repurposing screen identifies altiratinib as a selective inhibitor of a key regulatory splicing kinase and a potential therapeutic for toxoplasmosis and malaria ». bioRxiv [preprint], 3 novembre 2021, 2021.11.03.467097.

Dard, C., Swale, C., Brenier-Pinchart, M.-P., Farhat, D.C., Bellini, V., Robert, M.G., Cannella, D., Pelloux, H., Tardieux, I., Hakimi, M.-A., (2021). A brain cyst load-associated antigen is a Toxoplasma gondii biomarker for serodetection of persistent parasites and chronic infection. BMC Biology [6.8] 19, 25. doi: 10.1186/s12915-021-00959-9

Bellini, V., Swale, C., Brenier-Pinchart, M.-P., Pezier, T., Georgeault, S., Laurent, F., Hakimi, M.-A., Bougdour, A., (2020). Target identification of an antimalarial oxaborole identifies AN13762 as an alternative chemotype for targeting CPSF3 in apicomplexan parasites. iScience [4.4]. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101871

Fox, B.A., Guevara, R.B., Rommereim, L.M., Falla, A., Bellini, V., Petre, G., Rak, C., Cantillana, V., Dubremetz, J.F., Cesbron-Delauw, M.F., Taylor, G.A., Mercier, C., Bzik, D.J., (2019). Toxoplasma gondii Parasitophorous Vacuole Membrane-Associated Dense Granule Proteins Orchestrate Chronic Infection and GRA12 Underpins Resistance to Host Gamma Interferon. mBio [6.7] 10, e00589-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00589-19

Touquet, B., L. Pelissier, P. Cavailles, W. Yi, V. Bellini, C. Mercier, M. F. Cesbron-Delauw, A. Boumendjel and D. Aldebert (2018). "High-content imaging assay to evaluate Toxoplasma gondii infection and proliferation: A multiparametric assay to screen new compounds." PLoS One [2.8] 13(8): e0201678. [Pubmed]

Rommereim, L. M., V. Bellini, B. A. Fox, G. Petre, C. Rak, B. Touquet, D. Aldebert, J. F. Dubremetz, M. F. Cesbron-Delauw, C. Mercier and D. J. Bzik (2016). "Phenotypes Associated with Knockouts of Eight Dense Granule Gene Loci (GRA2-9) in Virulent Toxoplasma gondii." PLoS One [3.1] 11(7): e0159306. [PDF]


Programme Doctoral International


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Project Manager: Yoann MILLERIOUX

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