PostDoc position : Saeij Lab, Davis, California, USA
The Saeij lab ( at the University of California, Davis, is currently looking for several postdoctoral scholars to work on NIH-funded projects investigating Toxoplasma-host interactions. These projects are following up on Toxoplasma CRISPR/Cas9 loss-of-function screens that we have performed in vivo in mice and in vitro in interferon-gamma stimulated murine, rat, and human cells We are looking for team players that are excited about studying host-parasite interactions. Previous experience with molecular biology and biochemistry is a plus. The Veterinary School at UC Davis is ranked as the best in the country and we are surrounded by colleagues working on host-microbe interactions ( UC Davis is located in the town of Davis, which is ranked as one of the best towns to live in in the nation. Davis is close to San Francisco, Sacramento, the Napa/Sonoma wine country and the Lake Tahoe ski area. UC Davis offers excellent benefits and multiple opportunities for professional development for postdocs (see Interested candidates can submit a current C.V. and names of three references to: Dr. Jeroen Saeij (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.).
Postdoctoral Research Associate, York, UK Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher for 36 months to characterise the signalling pathways that regulate autophagy, lysosome exocytosis and biomolecular...
mRNA-based malaria vaccines, Paris, France The Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines Unit at Institut Pasteur (Prof. Chetan Chitnis), Paris announces a position for a post-doctoral fellow on a project to develop...
ABOUT SPEAKERS PROGRAMME REGISTRATION CONTACT LOCATION About the workshop ParaFrap organise pour la première fois en 2024 le ParaFrap Next...
Computational postdoctoral researcher in malaria and erythropoiesis, Montpellier, France The MIVEGEC Lab is seeking a highly motivated and talented postdoctoral researcher to join our team investigating the...
[Communiqué] Dans le cadre des actions du Plan innovation Santé 2030, le volet santé du plan France 2030, Mohamed-Ali Hakimi est l'un des 22 lauréats d'une Chaire d’excellence en Biologie / Santé, soutenus pour mener des projets de...
The York Biomedical Research Institute (YBRI) are hosting an online live seminar on Friday 24th May 1-2pm BST as part of their biomedical science seminar series. You are all welcome to attend - registration is required via the...
[Communiqué] Félicitations à Arthur Talman, chargé de recherche IRD dans le laboratoire MIVEGEC (Montpellier), qui a obtenu une subvention "Advanced Grant" du Conseil européen de la recherche (ERC) pour le projet "TROJAN -...
Ana Rita Gomes, chargée de recherche CNRS au Laboratoire des Pathogènes et de l'Immunité de l'Hôte à Montpellier, et ancienne Postdoc du LabEx ParaFrap, a été récompensée par la prestigieuse Médaille de Bronze...
. Offre de thèse, Tours, France Encadrement Encadrement de la thèse : Sonia LAMANDE ; Co-Encadrante : Julie TOTTEY Projet: CARACTÉRISATION FONCTIONNELLE DE CATHEPSINES À CYSTÉINE CHEZ LE PARASITE APICOMPLEXE...
Senior PostDoc position : computational biologist, Paris, France The ParSig team ( at the Institut Pasteur in Paris seeks for a highly...
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Project Manager: Yoann MILLERIOUX
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