
Alliance Française contre les Maladies Parasitaires

PostDoc l Molecular Parasitology l Paris

06 Pasteur

PostDoc position studying host-pathogen interactions at Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

A postdoc position is available at the Institut Pasteur in the signalling and host-parasite interactions group, headed by Najma Rachidi, to investigate the mechanisms by which the parasite modulates host cell signalling, through the study of Leishmania casein kinase 1.


The project will be developed under the supervision of Dr Najma Rachidi (, PI of the signalling and host-parasite interactions group at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. Institut Pasteur is an international and multi-disciplinary research centre with access to state-of-the-art technologies RNAseq, imaging, electron microscopy...


During infection, Leishmania parasites release effector molecules via extracellular vesicles to modify their host cell and insure their survival. We are studying one of these effectors, Leishmania Casein Kinase 1, a signalling protein kinase essential for intracellular parasite survival. Our in vitro data suggest that this kinase might fulfil a significant part of its function in the macrophage, by regulating processes such as trafficking, translation or apoptosis; processes also modulated during Leishmania infection. Our data suggests that Leishmania Casein Kinase 1 is an important player in host-parasite interactions as well as an important target for anti-leishmanial drug therapy. The project, part of an ANR, will combine genome editing, siRNA, cutting-edge microscopy and the development of an innovative method to follow the dynamic of infection and its signalling signature with the aim to identify the L-CK1.2 host substrates essential for Leishmania infection. For more details about our work, visit

Candidate eligibility requirements:

We are looking for a motivated post-doctoral researcher with a strong background in cell culture as well as knockout or knockdown genes (CRISPR Cas9, siRNA and ShRNA) in mammalian cells (cell lines and primary cells). A background in parasitology is not required but would be a bonus. The candidate should be able to work in a multi-disciplinary environment, have a solid record of scientific achievement and a decent level in English. The contract is for two years but the applicant will be strongly encouraged to apply for external and/or internal fellowships.


Please send your Please send a cover letter, a CV with a publication list and three references to Najma Rachidi.
Applications should be sent before November 15th, with a starting date for the postdoc, beginning 2023.



Programme Doctoral International


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Project Manager: Yoann MILLERIOUX

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